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Essentials of Underground Services in Infill Development

Infill development provides an exceptional opportunity to optimise urban spaces by developing vacant lots or redeveloping existing properties. However, as developers, we understand that this process requires meticulous planning—particularly when managing underground services and this guide plans to discuss the essentials of underground services in infill development.

Key Considerations for Infrastructure Impact

Electricity & Gas: A reliable power supply is crucial for any development. Connecting to the existing electrical grid or exploring alternative energy sources is essential. Additionally, installing gas lines for heating and cooking needs is a vital aspect of the infrastructure planning process.

Water Supply & Sewerage: Connecting to the city's water and sewer systems is a critical step. This might involve installing new pipes or upgrading outdated infrastructure to comply with modern standards, ensuring reliable service for future occupants.

Telecommunications: In our increasingly connected world, high-speed internet and reliable phone services are indispensable. Planning for a robust telecom infrastructure is essential to meet the technological demands of modern life and ensure seamless communication for all residents and businesses.

Stormwater Management: Effective drainage systems are vital to prevent flooding and protect your property. Solutions like underground stormwater tanks or other drainage systems can efficiently manage runoff, safeguarding both the development and the surrounding area.

Site Surveys & Planning: Before construction begins, conducting a thorough site survey is imperative. This involves mapping existing underground utilities and planning new ones, helping to avoid unexpected issues and ensure a smooth project execution.

Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) - 

DBYD is a national referral service designed to help anyone planning to undertake excavation or underground service work to identify the location of underground utilities. The service provides information about the presence of underground infrastructure such as gas, water, electricity, telecommunications, and sewerage lines. This free service is essential for developers who are planning to dig, whether it be for small projects or large-scale developments.

Importance for Developers

Safety: One of the primary reasons for using DBYD is to ensure the safety of workers and the public. Striking an underground utility can lead to severe injuries and damages, especially if the struck line is a high-voltage electrical cable or a gas pipeline. DBYD helps prevent such accidents by providing  information about the location of these utilities.

Preventing Service Interruptions: Damaging underground utilities can cause significant service disruptions to the local community and businesses; something that could have been planned for becomes a big costly mistake. For example, damaging a water main or a telecommunications line can lead to outages that affect numerous people and businesses. By using DBYD, developers can avoid causing such disruptions.

Legal and Financial Implications: Striking underground utilities can result in legal liabilities and significant financial costs. Developers may be held responsible for repair costs, project delays, and potential legal claims. In severe cases, these costs can be substantial enough to push a company into financial distress. DBYD helps developers avoid these risks by providing critical information upfront.

Project Planning and Efficiency: Knowing the location of underground utilities helps developers plan their projects more effectively. It allows for accurate planning of excavation work, avoiding delays and additional costs associated with unexpected utility strikes. This information is crucial for developing efficient project timelines and avoiding costly rerouting of utilities.

Compliance with Regulations: In Australia, there are strict regulations and standards related to excavation and underground work. Using DBYD ensures that developers comply with these regulations, as it provides the necessary information to avoid prohibited actions, such as digging too close to certain utilities without proper precautions.

Environmental Protection: Accidental damage to underground utilities, such as sewer lines, can lead to environmental contamination. Using DBYD helps prevent these incidents by ensuring that developers are aware of the location of these critical infrastructure components.

Managing Risks Associated with Underground Utilities

In property development, understanding and managing the risks associated with underground utilities is crucial for everyone involved, including workers, project managers, and engineers. This responsibility goes beyond merely preventing accidents; it encompasses mitigating costly disruptions and service interruptions that can impact the community and project timelines.

As more underground assets are installed each year, the risks for brownfield infrastructure projects increase. Effective risk management requires significant resources and careful coordination. Clients are increasingly focused on how these risks are managed, as mishaps can lead to substantial reputational damage.

The Importance of Managing Underground Utility Risks

When planning an excavation, it's crucial to prioritise safety, as striking buried utilities can result in severe injuries or fatalities. Additionally, damaging utilities can incur substantial costs for repairs, redesigns, legal claims, and project delays. Service interruptions can disrupt local communities and businesses, causing further setbacks. 

Even minor errors can lead to legal complications and potential criminal liability for company directors, with significant utility strikes, particularly involving electrical, gas, or telecommunications services, potentially causing damages worth millions of dollars and pushing companies into financial distress.

Key Fundamentals for Managing Underground Utilities

Adhering to fundamental principles can help avoid many issues related to safety and unexpected costs. Effective utility management significantly reduces project risks by eliminating uncertainty and accurately locating utilities. The benefits often far outweigh the costs, sometimes paying for themselves multiple times over.

Process: Establish a well-documented and regularly updated procedure within the organisation. This process should incorporate lessons learned and aim for continuous improvement.

People: The quality of your team is crucial in property development. Assign specific roles and ensure team members are adequately trained and competent. Building strong relationships with utility asset owners can also mitigate risks and streamline timelines.

Implementation: Utilise the right tools to manage approvals and prevent roadblocks. Ensure that independent verifiers are involved in your workflow and leverage digital tools for efficiency and accuracy.

Transparency: Maintain open communication with all stakeholders regarding permits and their status. Foster a culture of transparency and continuous improvement. Embrace audits as opportunities for learning and refining processes, and engage with utility asset owners early to gather their input.


By adhering to these principles, property developers can effectively manage the complexities associated with underground utilities, leading to safer, more efficient, and ultimately successful projects. 

Understanding and navigating these challenges is crucial for avoiding costly disruptions and ensuring smooth project execution. 

At OwnerDeveloper we are well-equipped to support you through every step of this process. Our expertise includes handling the intricacies of underground services, from comprehensive site analysis and planning to regulatory compliance and risk management. 

Our team is dedicated to helping you maximise your property's potential and achieve your development goals. Let us assist you in addressing the challenges of underground utilities and bring your vision to life with precision and confidence. 

Reach out to us today to get started on transforming your project into a successful reality!

The materials provided on this platform are meant for educational and professional development purposes. OwnerDeveloper has put in extensive efforts to ensure the accuracy and usefulness of these materials. However, it is crucial to understand that they cannot be held responsible for any information or advice provided, nor for any potential consequences that may result from using such information or advice. Therefore, it is highly recommended that individuals seek their own legal, accounting, town planning, and consulting advice that is tailored to their specific situation or site. Seeking professional guidance is of utmost importance to make informed decisions and ensure the best outcomes.

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